FragmentAnimation = enum fadeIn = "fade-in", fadeOut = "fade-out", fadeUp = "fade-up", fadeDown = "fade-down", fadeLeft = "fade-left", fadeRight = "fade-right", fadeInThenOut = "fade-in-then-out", fadeInThenSemiOut = "fade-in-then-semi-out", grows = "grow", semiFadeOut = "semi-fade-out", shrinks = "shrink", strike = "strike", highlightRed = "highlight-red", highlightGreen = "highlight-green", highlightBlue = "highlight-blue", highlightCurrentRed = "highlight-current-red", highlightCurrentGreen = "highlight-current-green", highlightCurrentBlue = "highlight-current-blue"
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NimiSlidesConfig = object localReveal*: string
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SlideOptions = object autoAnimate*: bool colorBackground*: string imageBackground*: string videoBackground*: string iframeBackground*: string iframeInteractive*: bool gradientBackground*: string
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SlidesTheme = enum Black, Beige, Blood, Dracula, League, Moon, Night, Serif, Simple, Sky, Solarized, White
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currentFragment: int
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currentSlideNumber: int
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reveal_version = "5.0.4"
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proc revealTheme(doc: var NbDoc) {....raises: [KeyError, Exception], tags: [ ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc slideOptions(autoAnimate = false; iframeInteractive = true; colorBackground, imageBackground, videoBackground, iframeBackground, gradientBackground: string = ""): SlideOptions {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc slideOptionsToAttributes(options: SlideOptions): string {. ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc useLocalReveal(nb: var NbDoc; path: string) {....raises: [OSError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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template adaptiveColumns(body: untyped)
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template adaptiveColumns(columnGap: float; body: untyped)
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template animateCode(lines: string; body: untyped)
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template animateCode(lines: varargs[set[range[0 .. 65535]], toSet]; body: untyped)
Shows code and its output just like nbCode, but highlights different lines of the code in the order specified in lines. lines: Specify which lines to highlight and in which order. The lines can be specified using either:
- An int (highlight single line)
- A slice x..y (highlight a range of consequative lines)
- A set {x, y..z} (highlight any combination of lines)
animateCode(1, 2..3, {4, 6}): body
This will first highlight line 1, then lines 2 and 3, and lastly line 4 and 6. Source Edit template cornerImage(image: string; corner: Corner; size: int = 100; animate = true; verticalPadding: int = 2; horizontalPadding: int = 1)
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template disableVerticalCentering()
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template fadeInNext(body: untyped)
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template fragment(animation: FragmentAnimation; body: untyped)
- fragment(animation) is shorthand for fragment(@animation) Source Edit
template fragment(animations: varargs[seq[FragmentAnimation]] = @[@[fadeIn]]; body: untyped): untyped
- Creates a fragment of the content of body. Nesting works. animations: each seq of the varargs are animations that are to be applied at the same time. The first seq's animations are applied on the first button click, and the second seq's animations on the second click etc. Example: fragment(@[fadeIn, highlightBlue], @[shrinks, semiFadeOut]): block will at the first click of a button fadeIn and highlightBlue the content of the block. At the second click the same content will shrink and semiFadeOut. This code is also equivilent with fragment(@[fadeIn, highlightBlue]): fragment(@[shrinks, semiFadeOut]): block. Source Edit
template fragmentCore(animations: openArray[seq[FragmentAnimation]]; endAnimations: openArray[seq[FragmentAnimation]]; indexOffset: untyped; incrementCounter: untyped; body: untyped)
- Creates a fragment of the content of body. Nesting works. animations: each seq in animations are animations that are to be applied at the same time. The first seq's animations are applied on the first button click, and the second seq's animations on the second click etc. endAnimations: animations that should be applied AT THE END of block. Example: fragment(@[@[fadeIn, highlightBlue], @[shrinks, semiFadeOut]]): block will at the first click of a button fadeIn and highlightBlue the content of the block. At the second click the same content will shrink and semiFadeOut. This code is also equivilent with fragment(@[@[fadeIn, highlightBlue]]): fragment(@[@[shrinks, semiFadeOut]]): block. fragment(@[@[fadeIn]], @[@[fadeOut]]): block will first fadeIn the entire block and perform eventual animations in nested fragments. Once all of those are finished, it will run fadeOut on the entire block and its subfragments. Source Edit
template fragmentCore(animations: openArray[seq[FragmentAnimation]]; endAnimations: openArray[seq[FragmentAnimation]]; body: untyped)
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template fragmentEnd(endAnimation: FragmentAnimation; body: untyped)
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template fragmentEnd(endAnimation: varargs[seq[FragmentAnimation]]; body: untyped)
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template fragmentFadeIn(animation: FragmentAnimation; body: untyped)
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template fragmentFadeIn(animation: varargs[seq[FragmentAnimation]]; body: untyped)
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template fragmentFadeIn(body: untyped)
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template fragmentList(list: seq[string]; animation: FragmentAnimation)
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template fragmentList(list: seq[string]; animation: varargs[seq[FragmentAnimation]])
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template fragmentNext(an: FragmentAnimation; body: untyped)
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template fragmentNext(an: seq[FragmentAnimation]; body: untyped)
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template fragmentThen(an1, an2: FragmentAnimation; body: untyped)
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template fragmentThen(an1, an2: seq[FragmentAnimation]; body: untyped)
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template listItem(animation: FragmentAnimation; body: untyped)
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template listItem(animation: seq[FragmentAnimation]; body: untyped)
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template newAnimateCodeBlock(cmd: untyped; impl: untyped)
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template orderedList(body: untyped)
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template setSlidesTheme(theme: SlidesTheme)
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template showSlideNumber()
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template slideAutoAnimate(body: untyped)
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template speakerNote(text: string)
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template typewriter(textMessage: string; typeSpeed = 50; alignment = "center")
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template unorderedList(body: untyped)
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template useScrollView()
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template useScrollWheel()
- Enable using the scroll-wheel to step forward in slides. Source Edit