Basics of Fragments

The foundation of using fragments in nimiSlides is the fragment template. You can input which fragments (animations) you want to use, and then the content of the template will get these fragments. If you don't specify any fragment at all, the default is a fade-in animation:

    nbText: "This text faded in!"

This text faded in!

If you specify any of the supported fragments (see list of fragments) it will use it instead of the default fade-in:

    nbText: "This text will grow!"

This text will grow!

Multiple fragments at once

Let's say you want to do two animations at the same time, like grow the text at the same time as it turns green. Then you can provide fragment with a seq of fragments instead:

  fragment(@[grows, highlightBlue]):
    nbText: "Blue and grow!"

Blue and grow!

Multiple fragments after each other

Now let's say you have two animations that you want to happen after each other. Like first fading in, and then shrink. Then you have two options:

  1. Nesting fragments have the effect of running them from the outside in:
  fragment(fadeIn):           # will run first
    fragment(highlightGreen): # second
      fragment(grows):         # third
        nbText: "Fade in, then green, then grow."

Fade in, then green, then grow.

  1. If you pass multiple seqs to fragment, it will run the seqs of fragments in order. This is equivalent to the nested example:
  fragment(@[fadeIn], @[highlightGreen], @[grows]):
    nbText: "Fade in, then green, then grow."

Fade in, then green, then grow.

Because fadeIn is such a common fragment, we have made a template fragmentFadeIn(seq) which is equivalent to fragment(@[fadeIn], seq):

    nbText: "Fade in, then green."
  fragmentFadeIn(@[highlightBlue, grows], @[shrinks]):
    nbText: "Fade in, then blue & grow, lastly shrink."

Fade in, then green.

Fade in, then blue & grow, lastly shrink.