Inline HTML

The beauty of nimib is that you can customize it a lot. And one really handy feature is the ability to inline whatever HTML you want in your document using nbRawHtml. This allows you to create your own custom blocks! One area where this is useful is images. There are quite a lot of attributes you could change, and covering all of them is quite a bit of work. So instead you can just inline your own <img/> tag, exactly as you want it!

Here is an example where we create a template that inlines the HTML required to produce an image that is rotated by a certain amount of degrees. By setting this angle as the input, we can reuse this template in multiple places!

import strutils
template rotatedImage(src: string, degrees: float) =
  nbRawHtml: hlHtml"""
      <img src="$1" style="rotate: $2deg; max-height: 200px;"/>
""" % [src, $degrees]

let url = ""

  nbText: "0 degrees"
  rotatedImage(url, 0)

  nbText: "45 degrees"
  rotatedImage(url, 45)

  nbText: "90 degrees"
  rotatedImage(url, 90)

0 degrees

45 degrees

90 degrees

There are two things to note here. Firstly, we use "$1 $2" % [s1, s2] (and not strformat's &"{x}") for string interpolation because it works better in templates. Secondly you can see that I put a hlHtml before the string, this allows me to get code highlighting of the HTML code in the string if I have nimiBoost installed in VSCodium/VSCode. This is sooo useful to make sure you have matching tags and strings.