
This section contains tutorials covering the features of nimiSlides. Below is a table with all the features that each of the tutorials cover.

Tutorial Keywords
Getting Started slide, nbText, nbImage
Code Blocks nbCode, nbCodeInBlock, nbClearOutput, animateCode
Text Formatting nbText, useLatex, bigText, align
Images & Media nbImage, fitImage
Layout columns, adaptiveColumns, column, disableVerticalCentering
Basics of Fragments fragment, fragmentFadeIn
Animated Lists orderedList, unorderedList, listItem
End-Fragments fragmentEnd
Advanced Fragments fragmentNext, fragmentThen
Slide Options slideOptions
Auto-Animate slideOptions, autoAnimate, slideAutoAnimate
Backgrounds slideOptions, colorBackground, gradientBackground, imageBackground, videoBackground, iframeBackground
Themes & CSS setSlidesTheme, addStyle
Speaker View speakerNote
Local Reveal.js installation localReveal, useLocalReveal
Inline HTML nbRawHtml
Print / PDF Export
Misc typewriter, cornerImage, footer, useScrollWheel, showSlideNumber