This tutorial goes over a few features which doesn't have their own tutorial. They can be previewed in the accompanying slides.
The typewriter effect takes a text and writes it one character at a time.
The typeSpeed
(default: 50) specifies the number of milliseconds between typing each letter (i.e. a high number means slow typing).
The alignment
(default: center) specifies how to align the text (left, center, right).
typewriter("Hello there! This text is typed one character at a time.",
alignment="center", typeSpeed=50)
Corner Image
An image can be put in any of the four corners using cornerImage
The corners are specified using either of UpperLeft, UpperRight, LowerLeft, LowerRight
cornerImage("image.png", UpperRight)
A footer that will be displayed at the bottom of each slide can be created using footer
which accepts a markdown-formatted string:
footer("This is a *markdown*-**formatted** ***footer***")
Use scroll wheel to change slides
By running useScrollWheel()
, the ability to change slides using the scroll wheel will be activated.
Try this out in the accompanying slides.
Slide Numbers
To activate slide numbers in the lower right of the screen, run showSlideNumber()