Local Reveal.js installation

By default nimiSlide will use a CDN version of Reveal.js so it will only work if you are connected to the internet. If you want to use it offline you have to download a release from their Github. Unzip the zip file in your homeDir (specified in nimib.toml or else it is the same directory that your .nim file is in). For example if your nimib homeDir is in docs, you unzip the Reveal.js file there such that the folder structure is as follows (in this example Reveal.js 4.5.0 is used but your version might be different):

  *here your .nim and .html files would be*

There are two ways to specify the path of the local Reveal.js distribution:

Option 1: Add path in nimib.toml

Add a [nimislides] section to your nimib.toml file and add a field localReveal = "reveal.js-4.5.0" where the path is relative to the homeDir. This will make all your slides in the repo use the local Reveal.js.

Option 2: Call useLocalReveal in your presentation file

Call useLocalReveal with the path of the RevealJs folder relative to your nimib homeDir. This will only use the local Reveal.js for the specific slides that run this code:
