Documentation - nimiSlides

nimiSlides is Reveal.js theme for nimib which enables you to make beautiful slideshows just by writing Nim code.

nimiSlides is a nimib library. Check out nimib's documentation as well.

API Reference

All procs and templates are documented in the API Reference. For easier CTRL-F see the index.


See the tutorials section in the sidebar to the left. If you are new to nimiSlides, getting started is a good place to start. The tutorials page provides a table showing which features (procs/template names) are covered in each tutorial. It's a handy place to CTRL-F to see if there are any tutorials for a specific feature.


Here is a list of slideshows along with links to their source code.


As nimiSlides generates Reveal.js slideshows, it's worth having a look at the Reveal.js documentation.